By Karen Brewer
In the second annual Hot Pursuit 5K Run/Walk and 1-Mile Catch-a-Cop event, held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 11, 2024, law enforcement from throughout Pickens County joined up with local citizens to raise funds for a second wheelchair-accessible swing. The fun event was held at Pickens Doodle Park, where the first swing was installed. Funds from the May 11 fundraiser will go toward purchasing the second swing, which will be installed in Easley. Event organizers hope to later install a third swing in the Clemson area.
The one-mile Catch-a-Cop race was open to eighth graders and younger. After collecting flags on a course from the Doodle Park to Bruce Field, participants were able to ride back to the Doodle Park in a procession of police cars. Law enforcement participating included the Pickens Police Department, Pickens County Sheriff’s Office, Central Police, Clemson Police, Clemson University Police, Easley Police, Liberty Police, and the South Carolina Highway Patrol.
The 5-K run/walk was open to several different age levels. An awards ceremony was held at the conclusion of the race, with medals given to first through third place winners in each category.
The fundraiser was a service project of Youth Leadership Academy, a charter middle school in Pickens with 288 students in sixth through eighth grades. Sandee Blankenship, Principal of Youth Leadership Academy, thanked all of the race participants and all of the law enforcement. “This is our second year partnering with law enforcement across the county and Dr. Schriver to put this event on,” she said. She spoke of the wheelchair-accessible swing at the Pickens Doodle Park that they were able to purchase last year. “And I can say that we have already secured the funds through this to do a second swing in Easley.” She recognized Miss Wheelchair South Carolina, Kathryn Hicks of Six Mile, who attended the event, and Blankenship thanked Peter Schriver. “We can’t thank him enough, really,” she said. “He and his crew do the bulk of the work.”
Following are the race winners, as read by Schriver:
Overall Male category: Third Place Elias Kingsbury, Second Place Dale Looper, First Place Ricky Flynn
Overall Female: Third Place Sarah Schwinkendorf, Second Place female Lily Addicott, First Place Amanda Collins
Masters Male: Third Place Chris Hamor, Second Place Michael Racamello, First Place Jody Addicott
Masters Female: Third Place Judy Walls, Second Place Kara Orr, First Place Shelley Stephenson
Male Under 10: Third Place Dodd Willis, Second Place Corbin Cram, First Place Cooper Loudermilk
Female Under 10: Third Place Bella Anders, Second Place Campbell McClellan, First Place Abigail Clark
Male Ages 10 to 19: First Place Nathanael Leese
Female 10 to 19: Gatlin Sherwood
Male 20 to 29: First Place Cole Stilwell
Female 20 to 29: Sarah Luke
Male 30 to 39: Scott Carley
Female 30 to 39: Tamara Sakacsi
Male 50 to 59: Todd Sharrock
Female 50 to 59 Lee Granger (not present during awards ceremony)
Male 60 to 69: Lee Tucker
Female 60 to 69: Kathy Tucker
Male 70 plus: Mike Pedigo
Female 70 plus: Joyce Rasberry
Male 85 plus: Gary Bennett and Bella the dog
Male 40 to 49: Braden Gerhardt
Female 40 to 49: Jessica Burnett
Photo slideshow of Miss Wheelchair South Carolina Kathryn Hicks, of Six Mile, at the event, including with her parents, Karen and Phillip. (Photos by Karen Brewer)
The wheelchair-accessible swing at the Pickens Doodle Park (Photos by Karen Brewer)
Pickens Mayor Rev. Isaiah Scipio and Pickens Police Chief Randall Beach (Photo by Karen Brewer)
Photo slideshow: Runners in the Catch a Cop race. (Photos by Karen Brewer)
Photo sildeshow: Runners and walkers start the 5K race. (Photos by Karen Brewer)
Photo slideshow: Winners in their categories (Photos by Karen Brewer)